About the Author

In a few words…
So I tried describing myself once through a post. So here it is. I hope you guys can enjoy and relate to me as well! :)


Ceelyn Sy is a pseudonym. She apologizes for this for she is very much introverted, and becomes extroverted when it comes to writing. She says its like talking to people, without the talking.

Ceelyn Sy very much takes pleasure in the arts and writing, doing both as her breath, duly accompanied with right music to keep her going.
Ceelyn Sy is still a novice at blogging, but hopes that one day her works will be recognized by… everyone.
Ceelyn Sy very much likes her own version of milk chocolate and ice cream.
She is a hopeless romantic and dreams of her own love story. Yes, every girl does.
She also is a hopeless writer who cannot finish a decent novel and hates writer’s block… which leads for her love of poetry and random writings.
She is also an artist, hoping to do something more realistic yet abstract. But she is too comical and loves lines too much.
Ceelyn Sy hopes that you enjoy her works here. Please, she pleads, don’t take away her work without any formal notice.
you can visit http://www.verounikaisgone.wordpress.com for her past works. But the blog is very much inactive. Sorry about that.

Ceelyn Sy would much like to know herself from another perspective, that’s why she speaks here in third person, and hopes you comment her works.


My Life in the Numbers

1 – is my birthday, on the fifth month of the calendar. It was the day of my near to death experience. But hey, I’m still alive!

18 – my age! In my country (PH), it’s the female’s coming of age. :D Well, this will change over time. But heck. I’m keeping it this way.

5 – the books I read last summer. Namely, the Hunger Games trilogy, Last Summer with Maizon, Life of Pi and James Patterson’s Angel (A Maximum Ride Novel). Well, my dear reader, let me tell you that  from where I’m at, summer starts around April, and ends around June.

3 – the number of brothers I have. But most likely in this blog, I’m usually talking about one, and most likely, it’s the eldest. Haha. I just love my brothers. :D

7 – the number of mangas I try to keep up reading each month. Yes, I am an otaku, but not hard core like what’s in your head right now. I’m a normal person too, I have a life not easily recognized, but hey, it’s a life. And if you want to talk about animes and mangas with me, just make sure that I know that. Or if not, I’ll be glad to listen to you and keep up with the story.

4 – the number of hours I spend online. I try my best, because I have competition here at home. Sorry if I can’t respond to your comments or see updates immediately, the internet connection here at home is still… how should I call it… oh, monopolized.

5100 – the model of my brand new cam! It’s obviously a Nikon and I’m still learning on how to handle this husband of mine. So watch out for my photography posts! ;)

10 – the pages/pieces of paper I use everyday. I’m an artist, both visual and written. So I guess this is normal. Haha! Don’t forget to use both sides of the paper to save Mother Earth, okay?

26 – I don’t know what’s up with this number, but it’s sending me the creeps every time I encounter this. Oh, I just realized, it would be the product of the numbers of my real birthday.

0 – number of real guy relationships I had. Explanation: No boyfriend since birth. And I guess for now, it’s good that way. Being single rocks and it helps me focus onto finding myself before finding my other half. But if you notice, most of my poetry works are of infatuation… Well, it is infatuation. No biggie, really.

11 – the number of songs in my current playlist. Here are my tunes for you to check out! (artist – song title)

  1. Ellie Goulding –  I’ll Hold My Breath
  2. Maroon 5 – Stutter
  3. Jessie J – Abracadabra
  4. Rihanna – You Da One
  5.  Jessie J – Domino
  6. Christina Perri – Distance
  7. Foster the People – I Would Do Anything For You
  8. Cider Sky – Northern Lights
  9. Sara Bareilles – Morningside
  10. Ed Sheeran – Give Me Love
  11. Foster the People – Miss You

15 – minutes I spend in the shower every morning before going to school. Hygiene is always a top priority. And most of that is shampooing my short, thick hair and washing it off.

12 – hours I spend in university (on average) per day. I’m a Fine Arts student, and this is because most of my classes are laboratory and practical. So don’t you dare insult us artists because it’s a profession as good as any other job out there.

Well, I guess it’s time for me to leave. My class starts on 9 am! Don’t you worry, I’ll keep this page updated as much as I can! ;)


11 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Hello, Ceelyn,,

    You certainly have wisdom for someone your age. Nice meeting you here. You have got a nice blog. Keep penning and inspiring, my friend.

    And thank you for following my blog, I hope my blog doesn’t disappoint you. Thank you again and many blessings to you. :-)

    Subhan Zein


  2. Hello Ceelyn,

    I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. I would like to thank you because you continue following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride.

    Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. :-)

    Subhan Zein

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