The Harsh Realization

Do you know how long I’ve waited for you?
Are you actually testing my patience?
Well, if you are, you’re on the right track onto giving me a total heartbreak.
Can you not see my feelings for you?

I guess its too bad then that I fell for you.
And I thought you were the light at the end of this vast, dark tunnel.

I was wrong. So wrong.

You brought me down even more.
And now I’m crying, because I have realized the reality of the situation:
you love her, and I am nothing but the listening ear to your romantic dilemmas.

Come on, I want something more than that. Can you really not tell?
What stupidity we are in. Oh the irony of it all.

I am nothing compared to her. And I always lose this game, and it will never be fair.
I’m crying because of you, because it can never be us.

Oh the bittersweet pain of loving, why are you so cruel upon me?
All I wanted was to be happy, and to be with him.
Is there something so wrong with that?

Please, talk to me. You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you.
My poor heart has crumbled thanks to all that you’ve done.

Tell me you’re worth the wait I’ve been enduring for all of my life. I don’t want to waste my time.

 Stay with me forever, and I’ll show you what my dreams are truly made of.

But then, I was a fool, to think that “us” was possible in the first place. I’m the biggest joke that ever existed.

On the First Bottle

As I pour this blue tonic upon the rocks,
the tears roll down on my cheeks and yeah, it sucks.
‘Nothing’ keeps playing in my ears
I laugh and say, “so this is what I get after all these years!”
Cheers to what could have been us,
but no, now everything’s just a great big bust.
Soon enough this blue illusion will get to me,
making me scoff at the price of wanting to be simply happy.
And maybe after the solitary bottle I’ll turn in,
because just like you, I won’t be returning.

Here’s to all of us, who lost a battle today.