From Now On

I will

be a better

person for



not for

anyone else.


I will

face my


and speak

out of

the truth.


The past

will be

left behind,

for the


is waiting

for us


Guilt and Lies

I think I’m the average liar. Or maybe I would be what people would call the big, fat liar. Yeah, I think those three words just suit me well if you see me. I’m tall (5″6 ft, it’s considered of a good height here, from where I’m from), I’m fat (3* inches), and I’m a liar.

I’m a big fat liar that everybody would like to despise.

Why do I say this? I lie a lot. Well, I think most of them are white lies. Or maybe just simple lies, just to avoid what I wouldn’t like to do or just to be able to do what I want.  I lie because I don’t want to get hurt. I don’t want others to know the painful truth. I lie because I’m scared to face the truth. I keep on running away, like a coward, which is totally not expected from my physical image.

Today I lied. Yesterday I lied. Tomorrow, maybe I’ll lie too. And I think I’ve gotten used to it. (That’s just sad.) And for longest time I’ve known, only today have I felt really bad about lying to someone. I won’t state the lies I’ve said, because they bring back the harshest memories to me. I was so worried the whole day that eventually, he might find out about the truth, the reality of what I have done. I lied to him because of my selfishness; I didn’t want him to scream at me or get angry at me. It would hurt a lot for me. And the oh-so selfish me just lied when asked (and kept asking) about the matter. It destroyed my performance the whole day.

Look at me, and deep inside, I’m a real honest gal. I just don’t want to hurt anybody at all. It’s like if I hurt them and tell them the truth, it would destroy the relationship we had built throughout the time. The whole world might stop and explode just for the moment that I’ve hurt this person. And besides, don’t all of us lie, at least for once in our lives? Anyone who says no will get a long nose. So stop denying it, Pinnochio.

I want to be honest to them, I guess I just don’t know how to be honest with people. And that’s the consequence of lying all the time. It starts small, then it grows bigger and bigger until you can’t control it. This I will say to you: once the truth’s been revealed, there’s no turning back. Face it, you coward. The guilt of lying will get to you, and unless reality’s out, the pain and the burden of the lies will stay with you. Please, don’t let it stay there for years. That would be very bad for your health.

You know what’s the best part about lying? It’s when confrontation comes; it’s the time when you let yourself out and tell the world of the truth and reality of what you’ve lied about. It’s the best part because the feeling of telling the truth to someone will set your heart free of worry and guilt and sadness. It’s the best feeling ever. The truth will set you free, it’s true.  I’m telling you. And also, when you tell the truth, there’s a possibility that the person involved will even have a closer and better relationship with you. Trust is built through trials. 

To all that I’ve lied to in the past, I’m really sorry for what I’ve done in the past. You guys deserve the truth. No one deserves to be lied at. Although the rough, raw truth may hurt, it’s better than hearing a thousand sweet lies. Trust me on this, all the guilt and lies would vanish.


Maybe it’s not really meant to be

for you and me

to be together,  and be as one.

I’d better say it to you before I’m gone

because I don’t think it’ll work out.

Right now all I see in you is doubt

and what we used to has vanished

all of the times we cherished

I want to have them all again

but maybe after all that, it wouldn’t happen.

It’s sad but I have to keep moving

because that’s how life keeps happening.