In This Fair Distance

In this fair distance
it seems our voices can’t be heard
even if we scream
our hearts out.

It seems that each
scream we do
is a prayer
that even God
refuses to hear.

What have we done
in false bondage of souls and bare flesh?

We have become sinners
of a sin we have
yet to learn its lesson.

We grow tired
with pain and experience
running in our veins.

We are at a loss for
you destroyed me.

Cold Hearted

That piece of ice

was grinded,



and drowned

into that unknown liquid substance.

All that he owned, he had to let go
and give it all to the great big unknown.

And so he melted within the unknown.

It was the worst of all he felt,

and despite being crushed,



and being drowned

all at the same time.

He would have preferred something faster and easier.

 And so he melts in his own despair, within the great big unknown.

What now?



So the words

“Was it epic for you at all or just a memory, a moment or nothing at all?”

and a woman singing

“my heart breaks in a heartbeat, and you storm me when you come and go. The taste of something sweet should have warned me about the undertow”

kept ringing and singing in his head.



Oh how he continued melting in this ultimate despair.

There was no hope for him to look forward to a better tomorrow.

Yet a much pitiful story is that this story repeats itself,

as many blocks are created



Just Some Words

You left me speechless
with those big bold words.

You changed everything,
and opened new doors.

There’s no better way
for me to say thanks
than writing you this.

I don’t know why five
but I just write on
to keep me busy.

So, happy birthday
and may God bless you
on this special day!

So thank you dear friend
for just being there
even just to hear-
out my endless rants.

And oh, giving me
some useful advice
on pointless woes.

So there it all goes,
Keep on dreaming then;
Just keep on playing;
because we don’t know
until when we’re here.